In fact, Nomel texted me and said that his sister Nomelyn would be coming too. I get confused by similar names in the family! The oldest is Noemi who has twin sons who destroyed Nomel's iPad Mini. I met Nemia last time I was here. They still use it but I brought a replacement with me - I have a full-size iPad so I don't need both.
They arrived at about 7pm, we had a nice evening together - I went out with mum to buy a takeaway.
From Redwoods, it would be about 3 hours to the airport! We are in Quezon City which is to the north of Metro Manila and the airport is to the south. I took the photo from our apartment and you can see part of Metro Manila in the distance. This ended up being a good choice, I admit I panicked a bit after the first night; my friends saying that it was too far, the cockroach in the water glass, the gas failing. So we spent 2 nights in Grass Residences but I found a great washing machine for Mila and we were able to arrange transport for it and the mattresses directly back to her home in Malabon. It would have been too far from Redwoods. And this evening they all all going home (Saturday) and only the A Team, less Nomelyn will come back on Monday. And the owner of the Grass apartment has offered a refund for our leaving early, so they will drop me off on the way to Malabon to leave the key and pick up the money, 9000 php - about 150 euros. Taxis here are very cheap so it is well worth making the journey.
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